United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) US Agent Service

M.Y.T. USA CORP is headquartered in Los Angeles County, California, USA. We provide FDA medical device establishment registration and U.S agent service to companies of every size on every continent, supplying them with viable and efficient development pathways and compliance solutions.

Our experienced team of U.S. local compliance consultants help manufacturers make timely and effective regulatory submissions; and remediate, maintain and improve regulatory compliance.



  • FDA Medical Device Establishment Registration and US Agent Services        

    • Medical device establishment registration
    • ​Annual US agent communication service
    • ​Free modification 


    Medical Device Listings

    • Device listing service per product


    Emergency Use Authorization(EUA) to Respond to COVID-19

    • COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Kits
    • Filtering Face-Piece Respirator (FFR)-N95/ KN95 Face mask
    • Non-surgical isolation gown
    • Operating-room shoe cover
    • Surgical helmet
    • Surgical cap
    • Operating-room shoes
    • Conductive shoe and shoe cover
    • Surgical Gown
    • Hand Sanitizer
    • Sterilizer or Disinfectant
    • Other PPE


    FDA 510(k) Submission - PMN(Premarket Notification)

    • FDA 510k Process Guidance and Reviews(including testing list)
    • FDA 510k Documentation Preparation
    • FDA 510k Pre- Submission meeting with FDA
    • FDA 510k Documentation Reviews
    • FDA 510k Final Submission

Medical Device De Novo Submissions


FDA Medical Device Label Reviews and Marketing Reviews

We can help you with FDA label reviews and to develop marketing content and achieve FDA compliance by:

  • Reviewing your product label and providing guidance to ensure your product to achieve FDA compliance.
  • Conducting reviews of final marketing content to ensure FDA compliance.


EU CE Marking Applications (Medical Device)

Medical Device Class I / Class IIA & IIB/ Class IS/M/R / Class III

  • CE Marking Process Guidance
  • MDD Technical Documentation(TCF)- Directive 93/42/EEC
  • MDR Technical Documentation(TCF)- Regulation (EU) 2017/745
  • CE Marking Authorized EU representative
  • CE Marking Registration 


NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Certification: N95 Respirator Manufacturers

  • Pre- Submission meeting with NIOSH if desired by client
  • Fill in NIOSH application form and apply manufacture code
  • Provide guidance on required testing such as biocompatibility or related test and assist to contact testing institution NPPTL (National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory)
  • Prepare NIOSH technical documentation and submit to NIOSH

Strategy Development

MYT USA helps companies enter and gain additional share in the U.S. marketplace. MYT USA Consulting will work with your leadership team to evaluate your regulatory strategy in light of your company's pipeline of products. We can help you develop a clear path to regulatory compliance. Our advice will help strengthen your team's regulatory knowledge and bring new opportunities to your company, while helping you avoid common compliance pitfalls.

Any questions? Let us know, our expert is happy to assist you. Fill in the below form.